Mindat Charity Association

Many children in mountainous regions of Myanmar, formerly the Asian nation of Burma, live in abject poverty. Often their families are itinerant farmers whose crops don’t yield sufficient food to feed themselves, never mind sell enough to make a sustainable income. And because the children need to help their families work the fields in remote villages, it is difficult for them to attend school.

My husband, Kenny, and I first learned of the plight of these kids from our good friend and faithful prayer warrior Father Timothy Shing Ling, who is a native of Myanmar. Father Timothy and I met in Rome, after I had been diagnosed with cancer.

We decided to join Father Timothy in his mission to build St. Paul’s Montessori Pre-school in Mindat through the Mindat Charity Association. The school, which was completed in 2018, enables 50 to 60 children from poor farming families to be educated and housed in a safe and nurturing environment, discover and deepen their Christian faith, and contribute to the betterment of Myanmar and its people as they grow and choose a vocation.

I felt so much joy when I arrived in Myanmar in December 2018 to celebrate the grand opening of the school that love built. (That’s me with the red glasses and headband.)

Mindat Kids

How You Can Help

The children now have a school, but more help is needed. MCA is currently raising funds to build a church for the children and their families. Your tax-deductible contribution will not only help make that happen, but also directly impact the lives of up to 60 impoverished children. You’ll be extending a message of love to them across the miles as you provide for their daily and monthly care, and give them the tools they need to learn how to take care of themselves, their families and their communities in a sustainable way.

Donations of any amount are welcome. Every dollar makes a difference.

If you have questions about the project or the children, or to make a donation, please contact me.

Mindat Charity Association is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.